During December 23-29, 2016 in Birmingham (Great Britain) International Conference “Limmud” was conducted. In more than 35 years of existence this educational conference has become one of the most successful and most popular events in the Jewish world. “Limmud” program traditionally includes workshops, master classes, discussions, lectures, conversations with leading scholars, writers, public and political figures, directors.
Dr. Igor Shchupak, director of “Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum, conducted several lectures for the participants, devoted to the Holocaust, the Babyn Yar tragedy and memory of it. He stressed that Ukraine was the first country in the former Soviet Union, which included the topic “Holocaust” as a mandatory one to study in all secondary schools of Ukraine within the course of history of Ukraine and World History. Together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Regional Institutes of Advanced Teacher Training the whole system of seminars for school students, teachers, and methodologists was developed. Dr. Igor Shchupak paid separate attention to unprecedented events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Babyn Yar tragedy organized by UJE in cooperation with partners and held in Kyiv in September 2016. “Events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Babyn Yar tragedy demonstrated the formation of a common political nation in Ukraine that constructs a common historical memory. This is long and difficult process, but it has already begun. The tragedy of Jews, Roma and others is not only a tragedy of those communities, but of the whole Ukraine. There is no somebody else’s pain” - said historian.