Projects for Teachers
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During February 17-24, (Israel) seminar for Ukrainian educators, organized by «Tkuma» Institute and Yad Vashem was held in Jerusalem. History teachers and educators, museum staff from different parts of Ukraine became the participants of the project.
During the week, they listened to the lectures by leading Yad Vashem specialists –Dr. Fred Drachinskyi, Dr. Anna Novikov, together with Noah Sigal and Olga Duke, got acquainted with innovative methods of working with students. Ukrainian teachers also had the opportunity to exchange their experience in teaching World War and the Holocaust history in schools and higher educational institutions of Ukraine.
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On February 21, another educational seminar for history teachers of Dnipropetrovsk region organized together with Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education and Museum «Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine» was held at «Tkuma» Institute. Rich educational program waited for teachers:
Read more: Seminar for teachers from Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education
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On January 26–27, All-Ukrainian scientific-pedagogical seminar devoted to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day was conducted in Dnipro. “Tkuma ”Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies, Museum« Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine organized the educational event, where participated almost 30 teachers from all over Ukraine.
Read more: Всеукраїнський семінар для вчителів до Міжнародного дня пам'яті жертв Голокосту
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On January 17, regular educational seminar of “Tkuma” Institute, Museum «Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine» and "Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education" was held. The history teachers of the Dnipropetrovsk region visited the Holocaust Museum and joined guided tour conducted by research associated Iryna Rdchenko, and got an opportunity to talk to Iryna Piskariova, coordinator of “Tkuma” Institute Educational Programs about the possibilities for the teachers to participate in our educational projects and the prospects for further cooperation. Iryna Piskariova presented a new textbook “Introduction to History” for students of the 5th grade, written in cooperation with talented teacher, winner of the contest “Teacher of the Year" by Olena Burlaka and Dr. Igor Shchupak, and told about a new textbook on the history integrated course for the 6th grade, which will contain extremely interesting material and tasks.
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December 5–6, 2018, Kharkiv hosted All-Ukrainian Scholarly and Practical Seminar “Teaching World War II and the Holocaust History in Modern School: Innovative Forms, Methods, Technologies”, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”.