On February 21, another educational seminar for history teachers of Dnipropetrovsk region organized together with Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education and Museum «Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine» was held at «Tkuma» Institute. Rich educational program waited for teachers:
- guided tour at the Holocaust Museum (held by Iryna Radchenko, researcher) with an emphasis on the educational potential of the museum institution;
- educational lesson dedicated to the Holodomor in Ukraine in the context of other genocides of the twentieth century. Valentyn Rybalka, researcher held interactive lecture at the museum exhibition;
- presentation of educational and scientific activities of «Tkuma» Institute and Museum, development opportunities for teachers and schoolchildren, as well as the presentation of our educational and methodological publications on the history of the Holocaust. Vladyslav Bazilevsky, coordinator of educational programs presented the literature and directions of «Tkuma» Institute.