On March 15, 2016 in Rivne on the base of “Harmony” High School regional seminar for History teachers “Lessons of the Holocaust – Lessons of Tolerance” was organized and conducted by “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies in cooperation with Rivne Regional Institute of Advanced Teacher Training and Department of Social Sciences of Office for Education of Rivne City Executive Committee.
Iryna Piskariova, “Tkuma” Institute Educational Programs Coordinator, drew attention of participants to the importance of studying World War II and the Holocaust through the history of their own families. Oleksandr Kononchuk, History and Law teacher of Rivne Economical Lyceum, shared his experience in this methodology and presented report “Rivne during the Holocaust and World
War II: the Story of One Family”.
Maryna Strilchuk, the Holocaust Museum Research Associate, described the use of modern multimedia technologies on the example of Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” and the possibility of using multimedia during history lessons. “Tkuma” Educators presented Educational Mobile Exhibitions devoted to the Holocaust in Ukraine and feat of Righteous among the Nations.
On March 16, 2016 educational seminar for History teachers of Rivne district and presentation of Educational Mobile Exhibitions for school students on the base of Velykoomelyansky Educational Complex, and the next day “Tkuma” educators conducted the lessons of tolerance for pupils of two city lyceums.
Educators introduced “Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum educational programs and projects to school and university students and teachers focusing on the 13th International Contest “Lessons of the War and the Holocaust – Lessons of Tolerance”, which is annually conducted by “Tkuma” Institute with support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. This year the final event of the contest will be held in September in Kyiv and will became the part of series of events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Babyn Yar tragedy.