During January 19-22, 2016 Kryvyi Rih hosted final stage of the regional contest “Teacher of the Year – 2016” in the category “History”.
7 history teachers from Dnipropetrovsk, Dnipropzerzhynsk, Kryvyi Rih, Nikopol and Tomakivsky, Shyrokivsky and Yuryivsky village districts participated in this stage of the Сontest. The Contest was opened by Tetyana Basova, Deputy Head of Department of Education and Science of Kryvyi Rih City Council; Dr. Igor Shchupak, Chairman of the Jury, “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies and Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” Director; Lyudmyla Bazylevska, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Regional Institute of Advanced Teacher Training; members of jury and creative teams from Kryvyi Rih.
The 4-day Contest included “master-classes” conducted with teachers-finalists, lesson of Ukrainian History or World History for 6-11 grades, interviews with participant who represented his/her own experience in a free form. Teachers also showed the ability to use modern IT technology as in a short time they posted information on the progress of the Contest on their private Internet websites.
When determining the winners the jury was guided by a number of established criteria, taking into account pedagogical skills of contestants, implemented range of learning tools in accordance with the didactic function of the lesson and “master-class”, the presentation of educational material taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of pupils, fluency in current programs on the history of Ukraine and World history..
The winners of the regional stage of the Contest “Teacher of the Year – 2016” are:
1 place – Natalya Vlasova, history teacher of the second category, Secondary School #15, Dnipropetrovsk (teaching experience – 9 years);
2 place – Maryna Manko, history teacher of the second category, Kryvyi Rih Specialized School with in-depth study of foreign languages, (teaching experience – 9 years);
3 place – Lyudmyla Pasichna, history teacher of the highest category, Chaplyne Secondary School (teaching experience – 24 years).