On August 30, the educational webinar “History in the new academic year: a practical lesson for teachers” was held, organized by “Tkuma” Institute and the “Orion” Publishing House. The online event was moderated by Dr. Igor Shchupak. Among the issues that were brought up for discussion by the participants were, in particular, the following:
- “Classical” history teaching –or an integrated course; linear study of history – or concentra: Quo vadis?
- What history textbooks and model programs are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and what to do about it?
- Where to get teacher's books, atlases and contour maps, syllabi, lesson presentations, workbooks, subject assessment books and what to do with them?
- What to do with those who do not want to do anything?
- “Criticism of Critical Criticism”.
“There was a lot of interesting and practical; the speakers asked “provocative” questions and answered the questions of their colleagues, said Dr. Shchupak. “Participants in the chat wrote about the importance of the received information and the relevance of their opinions.”
The video recording of the webinar broadcast you can watch on YouTube by the link.