A seminar for history teachers, organized by “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” and the Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education, took place on November 18, in a webinar format and partly offline. The topic of the seminar, which was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, was defined as “Deconstruction of ideas about World War II”.
The speakers of the event were Ihor Kochergin (Dnipro), Ph.D., Head of the South-Eastern Interregional Department of the Department of National Memory Policy in the Regions of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory; Ivan Patryliak (Kyiv), Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of History of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; Oksana Sushchuk (Lutsk), Ph.D., Head of the Book of Memory Department, Editorial and Publishing Group, Scientific Center for Historical Studies of Volyn; Igor Shchupak (Dnipro), Ph.D., Director of “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”, Honored Educator of Ukraine; Yurii Shchur (Zaporizhzhia), Ph.D., senior lecturer at the Department of Modern History of Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia National University, researcher at the Zaporizhzhia Research Center “Heritage”.
During the seminar they talked about the “Ukrainian question” on the eve and in the first years of World War II, the liberation movement in southern Ukraine in 1941-1943, discussed the forms and methods of integration of Western Ukraine into the Soviet totalitarian system in 1944-1945. Particular attention was paid to the history of the Holocaust, in particular, the peculiarities of the extermination, resistance and rescue of the Jews of Ukraine during World War II.
You can watch the lecture on the YouTube channel of “Tkuma” Institute.