On November 11, a historical webinar "History of Poland through the eyes of Ukrainians: is it possible to overcome our own history?", organized by “Tkuma” Institute together with “Orion” Ukrainian Educational Publishing Center. The event was dedicated to Poland's Independence Day.
The leading historians became speakers of the webinar: Stanislav Kulchytsky, doctor of historical sciences, professor, chief research fellow of the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, co-Chair of the Ukrainian-Polish Commission of Experts on History and Geography Textbooks, author of history textbooks for secondary schools (Kyiv); Ivan Patryliak, professor, dean of the Faculty of History of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, co-chair of the Ukrainian-Polish Commission of Experts on History and Geography Textbooks (Kyiv); Igor Shchupak, candidate of historical sciences, honored educator of Ukraine, director of “Tkuma” Institute, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”, member of the Ukrainian-German Historical Commission, member of the Ukrainian-Polish Commission of Experts on History and Geography textbooks, author of history textbooks (Dnipro).
The following issues were considered by scientists:
- Birth of a new Poland
- Union of Petliura and Pilsudski
- Why did Volyn “explode”: Ukrainian-Polish relations in Volyn and Kholmshchyna November 1918-March 1943?
and many other.
You can watch the webinar below.