On July 23–26, 2018, Oswiecim (Poland) welcomed seminar for Ukrainian teachers “Auschwitz – History and Symbolism”, Organized by “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies and the International Centre for Education of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. This was the first group of educators from Ukraine who became participants in the educational project at Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum.
During the seminar, participants discussed various aspects of the Holocaust history. Curator of the group, Anna Stanczyk, told about the fate of people in the concentration camp based on documents. Lecture by Igor Bartosik dealt with the fate of Sonderkommando prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Terrible conditions of detention as well as work in the crematoriums made them crazy because often relatives, friends passed through hands of Sonderkommando. Teachers were able to visit the camp archive, where is the director of the research center Wojciech Ploski told how, during the step-back the Nazis almost completely destroyed the archive. Educational guided tour by Jan Kaplan to the department of art collections in the Auschwitz camp was emotional and informative. Pictures, posters, children's books, jewelry made of available material – everything became the part of unique exhibition.
The Ukrainian teachers were deeply impressed by the visit to the concentration camps Auschwitz-1 and Auschwitz -2 Birkenau.