In August 18, 2018 Wisla city (Republic of Poland) welcomed International educational summer camp “Respecting the Resistance – Unrecognized Acts of the Jewish Resistance during the Holocaust”. The event is annually co-organized by “Drzewo Oliwne” Community (Republic of Poland) and “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies.
This year the seminar was joined by youth from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Czech Republic and Israel. The rich program provides an interesting lecture course and interactive presentations, dedicated mainly to the Resistance to Nazism during the Holocaust, as well as a series of educational guided tours to the territories of Cieszyn Silesia.
The seminar participants had the opportunity to listen to a lecture on the problem of the participation of Polish Jews in the Polish national liberation movement of the 18th and early 20th c., learned abou the tragic and, at the same time, heroic episodes of the Second World War – uprisings in the Jewish ghettos of Warsaw and Bialystok. During dialogue-presentation “The Forms and Methods of the Jewish Resistance during the War participants discussed the little-known pages of the history of confrontation with total evil.
Participants joined presentations of new scholarly editions dedicated to the Holocaust history including Ukrainian translation of “Tell Ye Your Children” by S. Bruchfeld and P. Levine. For the first time in Ukrainian, it contains an additional chapter devoted to the tragedy of Jews in Ukraine, written by Dr. Igor Shchupak, director of “Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum.