During April 14–15, 2016 Dr Iegor Vradiy, “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies Research Associate, participated in the work of the commission, created by Svitlovodsk District State Administration. The aim of the commission was to: 1) examine of the degree of preservation of Jewish and Polish cemeteries in Nahirne village of Svitlovodsk district (two of the five cemeteries of Novoheorhiyevsk were flooded by Kremenchuk HES in 1957–1962); 2) consider the recognition of cemeteries as objects of cultural heritage and prepare all the relevant documents; 3) discuss the possibility of preservation of cemeteries.
During the work it was discovered that the cemeteries are in extremely poor condition. This applies particularly to Polish burial sites, where there is a lot of household waste and burial tombs are dug over. Jewish cemetery dated from the mid-19 - the mid-20 century is in a relatively better condition. However, most of the 97 Matzeiva are knocked down, some of them are broken. During the detailed examination it was found that several tombstones from the Jewish cemetery are located in the foundations of the local school, which at the moment is closed.
On April 15 joint meeting was held for members of the commission with Serhiy Tverdovsky, Head of Svitlovodsk District State Administration, as well as Head of Department of Culture and Tourism, and representative of the Roman Catholic Church. During the meeting Dr. Vradiy suggested his own vision of the future of Jewish and Polish cemeteries. In particular it was stated that the first task is to clean the cemeteries, establish a memorial table with information about the cemetery where representatives of Jewish, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian communities of Novoheorhiyevsk were buried. Thus, current residents of Nahirne village and Svitlovodsk district would properly honor the memory of people buried at the cemetery. Participants also discussed the possibility of establishing an electronic database with information about the people buried at these cemeteries, which later could be placed in open access on one of the electronic pages of the city.
During the meeting Dr. Vradiy reminded that the next, 2017, year there will be 75 anniversary of the murder of 300 Jews – residents Novoheorhiyevsk and the surrounding area – in January 1942. It was proposed to hold mobile exhibitions and special lessons on the Holocaust in Ukraine and in Kirovograd region at local schools. Management of the Administration gladly agreed with the proposal and expressed hope for development of cooperation with “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies.
Later the briefing was conducted during which participants of the working meeting answered questions of regional media.