On March 20, 2017 historians, museologists, multimedia specialists, artists and designers from Kyiv and Dnipro gathered to exchange ideas about the reconstruction of diorama “Battle for the Dnipro” and hall №7 dedicated to World War II of D. Yavornytsky Dnipro National Historical Museum. The session was moderated by Dr. Igor Shchupak, director of “Tkuma” Institute and Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”.
Within the group of specialists Kyiv was represented by Prof. Vladyslav Hrynevych (I. Kuras Institute of Ethnic and Political Studies, NASU), Dr. Anastasiia Haidukevych (Ukrainian Institute of National Memory), Dr. Oleksandr Zinchenko (Maidan Museum / Museum of Liberty initiatives), Dr. Tetiana Pastushenko (Institute of History of Ukraine, NASU), Dr. Vasyl Pavlov (Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University), Viktor Ivanu (“Rozumniki” Multimedia Company), Oleksandra Barkar (“Rozumniki” Multimedia Company), Viktor Hukailo, chief artist of the Holocaust Museum and ATO Museum.
Dnipro city was represented by – Dr. Igor Shchupak, director of Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”; Valentyn Rybalka, the Holocaust Museum research associate; Dr. Iegor Vradii, head of the Holocaust Museum Research and Museum Department; Nadia Kapustina, director of D. Yavornytsky Dnipro National Historical Museum; Oleksandr Khomenko, senior research associate of D. Yavornytsky Dnipro National Historical Museum; Yuri Fanyhin, advised of the working group; Dr. Oleh Repan, Associate Professor of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University; local history researcher Valentyn Starostin; designer Dmytro Ivanov; Viktor Boniak, Dnipro Regional Council deputy, secretary of the Commission on Culture, Spirituality and Sport of Dnipro Regional Council; Natalia Khazan, head of “National Defense Foundation”.
The session resulted in creation of main provisions of the concept and content blocks of diorama and hall №7 as well as their artistic and multimedia updates. It was also proposed to create a common historical and cultural space of Dnipro, which would include the leading museums of the city.