January 26, 2017 Art-gallery of "Menorah" Center hosted grand opening of Luigi Toscano's exhibitions "Lest We Forget" (The event was dedicated to International Holocaust Remembrance Day).
The ceremony was opened by Hlib Pryhunov, Head Dnipro Regional Council, Oleh Kuzhman, the First Deputy Head of Dnipro Regional State Administration, Wolfgang Mossinger, Consul General of the Consulate General of Germany in Donetsk / Dnipro office, Viacheslav Smotkin, the Second Secretary of the Embassy of State of Israel in Ukraine, head of Israeli Cultural Center in Dnipro, Solomon Flaks, head of Council of Jews-Veterans of Dnipro, Yoni Leifer, Board Chairman of the JDC in Eastern Ukraine, Dr. Igor Shchupak, Director of "Tkuma"д Institute and the Holocaust Museum. The opening was also joined by scholars, educators, public figures, and representatives of different national communities of the city.
Exhibition "Lest We Forget" – is a collection of human fates. During the year, Luigi Toscano conducted meetings with victims of Nazism and former prisoners of concentration camps in Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Israel and the USA, providing them with an opportunity to tell their personal, tragic life stories. Who knows, maybe for the last time. As a result 200 portraits of these people were created and interviews were made.
The exhibition is organized by –
- Consulate General of Germany in Donetsk / Dnipro office;
- Public organization "The Action Reconciliation Service for Peace" – representative of German organization ASF ("ArbeitsgemeinschaftSozialdemokratischerFrauen");
- Museum "Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine";
- "Tkuma" Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies.