During September 21 – October 05, 2017, Iryna Radchenko, research associate of "Tkuma" Institute and the Holocaust Museum, was on inyernship at Elie Wiesel National Institute for Studying the holocaust (Bucharest, Romania). Established in 2009 by the Romanian Government, the institute has a large amont of documents on the Holocaust from the state archives of Romania, and due to its contacts with international scientific institutions - from the USA, Canada, Germany and other countries as well. Having a national status, the Institute holds a series of scholarly conferences, methodological seminars for teachers to study the role of Romania in the Holocaust. The Library of the Institute contains many books devoted to both the Holocaust itself in Romania and other topics (anti-Semitism, inter-ethnic relations after the Second World War, etc.).
Among the archival resources there are many documents devoted to the genocide of Roma in Transnistria in 1939-1944 and Iryna Radchenko had the opportunity to review them. These are mainly documents of local executive authorities about the deportation of Romani population of certain regions of Romania to the "Transnistria" Government during the Second World War. These materials will be used to create a permanent exposition at Museum "Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine", dedicated to the tragedy of the Roma people.
"In general, internship at the Institute made it possible to work out a considerable amount of material that will be used in further scholarly work, – noted Iryna Radchenko, – the researchers of the Institute told about the possibility of publications on the Holocaust issues within the scholarly journal "Holocaust: Study and Research", participation in conferences and workshops".