During September 17-18, sixth Annual Scientific Conference of the German-Ukrainian Historical Commission ‘The Holodomor in Academic and Public Debates: Ukrainian and European Perspectives” was held in Berlin. The event took place in a hybrid format: some scientists gathered live in Berlin, some – online. The conference was moderated by the co-chairs of the Commission, Prof. Yaroslav Hrytsak (Lviv) and Prof. Martin Schulze-Wessel (Munich).
His report on “The Holodomor among the Jews of Ukraine and the echo of the genocide during the Holocaust: the destruction and rescue of people in the context of Ukrainian-Jewish relations” Dr. Igor Shchupak made within the frameworks of the Conference. The speech was devoted to the tragedy of the Holodomor in the context of other genocides, the fate of Jews during the Holodomor, the relationship between Ukrainians and Jews during the Holodomor and the impact of these relations on subsequent events during the Holocaust. Special attention was paid to the victims of the Holodomor among German colonists in Ukraine, as well as the Bulgarian, Russian and other communities; the role of “Joint” during the Holodomor, anti-Semitic myths surrounding the Holodomor tragedy.
“I would like to note a very meaningful lecture by the head of Department of History of the Second World War of the Institute of History of Ukraine of NASU Prof. Oleksandr Lysenko on “Coverage of the Holodomor in the periodical press of occupied Ukraine during World War II”, as well as a brilliant analysis of reports in the section by Prof. Yurii Shapoval (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies), – Dr. Shchupak mentioned. – I would also like to draw attention to the extreme importance of the scientific discussion of the Holodomor and its various aspects not only by Ukrainian but also by European, American and Canadian scholars, which is especially important in the context of the debate over Germany's recognition of the Holodomor as genocide.”.
Materials of the Conference will be published and presented to the scientists and public.