On June 13-14, 2018 Warsaw hosted International Scholarly Conference “Official History in Eastern Europe. Transregional Perspectives”, organized by the German Historical Institute Warsaw, University of Geneva, the Forum Transregionale Studien Berlin. Dr. Denys Shatalov, deputy head of Museum and Research Department, was invited to join the discussion.
The goal of the conference was to rethink and expand the scope of learning the memory and to propose new ideas for transregional studies in Eastern Europe. Within the framework of the scholarly event an open discussion “Museums as (non)official places of memory policy in post-socialist Europe” took place with participation of Krzysztof Ruchniewicz (Wrocław), Alvydas Nikžentaitis (Vilnius) and Denys Shatalov (Dnipro). Participants talked about the features of preserving the memory of the tragic events of the past in European museum space.
Photos by Marcin Kluczek (DHI)