On May 16-17, 2017 Mechnikov Odesa National University hosted scholarly seminar “Strategy of Representation of Different Voices in the Urban Space” within project “Strategies for Working with Urban Voices: Regional Judaica in Odesa”.
According to the organizers, the seminar topics included:
- The concept of inclusive narrative and possible inclusive visions of the specific regions of Ukraine;
- Anthropological research of Jewish component of Odessa myth (presentation of preliminary results of research conducted by professors and students of the Faculty of Philosophy of Mechnikov Odessa National University);
- Heard/unheard voices in modern opticians Ukrainian cities’ past (Lviv, Dnipro, Kyiv experiences); projects on representation of Holocaust in Ukraine; the problem of war memories in the context of the Holocaust.
Dr. Iegor Vradii, “Tkuma” Institute Research Programs Coordinator, participated in the discussion of these issues. He reported on preservation of the memory of Jews in Katerynoslav-Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk, focusing on the experience of the Holocaust Museum in this area. Maryna Strilchuk, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” research associate, presented a report devoted to the representation of the Holocaust and war of memories in a museum space of Ukraine. Both reports have caused interest of participants.
Program also included presentation of books “Babyn Yar: History and Memory” edited by V. Hrynevych and P.-R. Magocsi and “Open My Lips, Lord” by J. Zissels.