Within the framework International Scholarly and Practical Seminar “Historical Memory About World War II, the Holocaust and Other Genocidal Phenomena” “Tkuma” Institute singed the agreement on cooperation for creation of the exhibition “Soviet Policy of Creating Famine in Ukraine (1920 - early 1930)” with Holodomor Ukrainian Research Center.
During the signing ceremony, Dr Igor Shchupak noted that the new exhibition, which is planned to be open at the Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”, will show not only famine of 1932-1933, but also less known cases of an artificial famine in the Soviet regime 1920-30s of the 20 c.
Dr Lyudmyla Hrynevych said that no natural phenomena – drought, crop failures, etc. – can cause mass death from starvation. Government is always responsible for this and we need to determine whether similar phenomena were the result of unprofessionalism and incompetence, criminal negligence and irresponsibility, or whether they were part of a criminal plan and were carried out deliberately. Regarding all forms of hunger during this period, as emphasized Lyudmyla Hrynevych, the researchers have no doubts – it was part of the criminal policies of the Soviet regime, which falls under the definition of genocide.