Projects for Teachers
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On January 27-28, pedagogical seminar dedicated to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, for history teachers and educators from all over Ukraine, was held. The seminar provided for the exchange of experience in teaching the World War II and the Holocaust history; discussion of the possibilities of using educational potential of these topics and problems of teaching the World War II and the Holocaust history during the current war against Ukraine.
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On January 21, "Tkuma" Institute in cooperation with Sumy Regional Institute of Advanced Teacher Training conducted pedagogical seminar for History teachers "Problems of teaching World War II and the Holocaust History". During the seminar "Tkuma" Staff conducted lecture on educational potential of the topic of World War II and the Holocaust as well as conducted presentation of "Tkuma" Institute and Museum "Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine" activities.
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On January 20, 2015 Dnipropetrovsk hosted Educational seminar for History teachers and methodologists.
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On January 14, 2015 "Tkuma" Institute conducted seminar for teachers if Jewish schools from Ukraine. The topic of the seminar was "Ukraine between two wars. Nationalizm and "Jewish Question". Within the framework of the seminar Dilfuza Hlushchenko, the Museum Research Associate, conducted the guided-tour around Museum "Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine". The special attention was paid to nationalism and "Jewish question" during World War II. Dr Igor Shchupak delivered the lecture in which he told the participants about the problems of teaching World War II and the Holocaust History under the conditions of modern war against Ukraine.
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On December 27 - January 5 the seminar for History teachers of Ukrainian schools, methodologists and educational programs coordinators was conducted. During the 8-day seminar participants plunged into the theory methods of World War II and the Holocaust history teaching, learned Yad Vashem practical achievements in the field and shared their teaching and research experience. Rich program included lectures and reports, "round tables" and discussions as well as guided tours.
Within the framework of the program, "Tkuma" Institute staff conducted the presentation of "Tkuma" Institute and Museum "Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine" activities. the seminar became good platform for further joint work of "Tkuma" Institute with teachers and methodologists and with Yad Vashem. The event inspired teachers for new educational projects that will be implemented in cooperation with Institute.