On September 27, an online seminar was held for history teachers and methodologists of the Kharkiv region, organized by the Kharkiv Academy of Continuing Education. Dr. Igor Shchupak was invited to read a lecture to the teachers.
During the dialogue, history teachers were involved in the discussion of new curricula and a number of important issues, in particular:
• Clarification and unification of concepts;
• Consideration of the history of Ukraine in a global context;
• Tracing the relationship between the history of Ukraine and the history of the Ukrainian People's Republic of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland;
• Understanding the main content of historical processes of the 20th century. - the collapse of empires and the emergence of national states;
• Studying the history and culture of all peoples on the territory of Ukraine;
• Increasing attention to genocides – the Holodomor, the Holocaust, the genocide of the Roma, the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people, the modern genocide against the Ukrainian people by the Russian regime, etc.
“Vladyslav Krongauz, teacher and member of our team of authors of textbooks published at the “Orion” Educational Center, made a bright and interesting speech, – noted Dr. Shchupak. – As always, a thorough methodological basis was provided by the ideas and opinions of Professor Liudmyla Hrynevych, well-known historian, director of the Ukrainian Research and Educational Center for Holodomor Studies (HREC in Ukraine), who brilliantly organized the activities of the Working Group of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine on updating history programs. My colleagues and I are ready to continue the dialogue. The joint work of scientists, teachers, and methodologists continues, because historical education is at the forefront of the ideological struggle for an independent and free Ukraine, the defense of universal values and the very right of people and peoples to life”.