On September 15, another webinar of “Tkuma” Institute and “Orion” Publishing House on “Fifth grade and the New Ukrainian School: “Ukraine and the world: an integrated course”” was held.
The speakers of the online event for teachers were:
- Nataliia Vlasova teacher-methodologist, winner of the All-Ukrainian competition “Teacher of the Year 2016” in the category “History”, methodologist of the methodological center at the Department of Humanitarian Policy of the Dnipropetrovsk City Council, co-author of new textbooks “History of Ukraine” and “World History” for 8th grade (Dnipro);
- Vladyslav Krongauz, finalist of the zonal stage of the All-Ukrainian competition “Teacher of the Year – 2020” in the “History” nomination, history teacher of KZ “Kharkiv Specialized School II-III degrees No. 3”, semi-finalist of the national award Global Teacher Prize Ukraine – 2021”;
- Dmytro Sekyrynskyi, specialist of the highest category, a methodist teacher, history teacher of the Zaporizhzhia Multidisciplinary Lyceum “Perspektiva”, a platoon commander of the Territorial Defense Forces.
Dr. Igor Shchupak was the webinar moderator.
During the broadcast, the participants discussed the following questions:
- Evaluations of teacher evaluations;
- Are teachers RIGHT to include RIGHT questions in a 5th grade history course?
- Why history can teach fifth graders? And others.