On May 10, online seminar of “Tkuma” Institute for history teachers of Sumy region was held. More than 40 educators took part in it. Among the main issues discussed were: how to teach the history of World War II in the context of the current Russian-Ukrainian war; what changes should update the current state program on the history of Ukraine and world history for senior classes; how to clearly articulate terms and concepts, including “genocide”, a terrible “classic” example of which was the Holocaust.
“I would like to sincerely thank our old, wonderful partners – Iryna Nikitinia, teacher, leading organizer of the historical enlightenment of the Sumy region and professor Yurii Nikitin, as well as to my colleague – Iryna Piskariova, head of educational programs of “Tkuma” Institute, a member of the group of authors of the “Orion” publishing house, – noted Dr. Igor Shchupak. – And I especially would like to thank the participants of the seminar, teacher-historian Viktor Zhadan and his colleagues, who survived the modern Russian occupation and know about the war not only from textbooks, but from personal experience. Now it is important to convey the necessary thoughts and feelings to Ukrainian students”.