On April 14, historical webinar for teachers, organized by “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies and “Orion” Ukrainian Educational Publishing Center (Kyiv) on “Methodology: convenient for teachers and interesting for students” was held.
The following leading Ukrainian educators were invited to participate in the webinar:
- Olena Burlaka, honored teacher of Ukraine, history teacher, deputy director of Horodyshche economical lyceum of Horodyshche district council of the Cherkasy region; one of the best specialists in the implementation of multimedia in the historical education in Ukraine. Co-author of history textbooks for 5-7 grades, winner of the All-Ukrainian Contest “Teacher of the Year – 2016” in the nomination “History”, winner of the O. Zakharenko regional prize. (Cherkasy region).
- Iryna Piskarova, teacher-methodologist, head of “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies educational department; co-author of history textbooks for 5-7 grades.
- Vitalii Dribnytsia, teacher-methodologist of the “Bila Tserkva humanitarian and pedagogical college”, specialist of the highest qualification category. Co-author of history books for 7-8 grades, winner of the Kyiv regional stage and graduate of the Final of the All-Ukrainian Contest “Teacher of the Year-1998” in the nomination “History”, permanent member of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad in history.
Dr. Igor Shchupak, honored educator of Ukraine, director of “Tkuma” Institute, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” was the moderator of the event.
On the example of individual fragments of new author's textbooks on world history, the speakers presented methods that can be used to interest students in history and motivate them to study this subject. The speakers stressed that a comprehensive approach is especially important in this process, because history is not only a textbook, but also everything that surrounds us. We use inventions that were created thousands of years ago, we live in cities and towns founded in the Middle Ages, and so on. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to open this world to the students and show the connection between history and the present. The use of family memories during World War II and the Holocaust history study is particulary relevant.
Equally important is the development of children critical thinking. For this, the teacher uses a variety of documents during the history lessons and gives different points of view on a particular problem. Historical maps also serve as a full-fledged source of information.
During the webinar, special attention was paid to the use of various visualization tools, tables and diagrams during the history lessons – in particular, in topics related to World War II and the Holocaust history studying.