On April 28, the seventh during the last month historical webinar for educators, organized by “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies and “Orion” Ukrainian educational publishing center (Kyiv) was held. Topic of the webinar was “UKRAINIAN WORLD WAR II” (devoted to the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation and the Day of Victory over the Nazi Germany), and it became extremely relevant and interesting for the viewers, which showed the number of the webinar participants. More than three thousand people watched it in just a few hours. And this is only the beginning.
During the webinar we are together with experienced historians – specialists in World War II history and military history Vasyl Pavlov (Ministry of Defense Ukraine, Center for Military History), prof. Ivan Patryliak (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv), prod. Yurii Shapoval (Center for Historical Political Science of the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS of Ukraine), dr. Victoria Yaremenko (Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance) discussed a number of important aspects of the Ukrainian dimension of World War II: when the war for the Ukrainians began, September 01, 1939 or June 22, 1941, and can we consider the history of the Carpathian Ukraine as the forefront or component of the war? How many Ukrainian fronts were there during World War II and what was the role of Ukrainians in it? Is the Holocaust and the deportation of Crimean Tatars and Crimean people the pages of Ukrainian war history? Fakes and myths about Ukrainians, or is it true that “Hitler's soul ached because the Ukrainian people were suffering”?
Of course, it is impossible to cover all the problems of WWII history and answer all questions of live viewers during an hour and a half of the webinar. That’s why we will be organizing other webinars dedicated to certain aspects of the war. During the broadcast, teachers had the opportunity to suggest topics that would be most interesting and relevant to them. Among them were the following:
- Collaboration during World War II;
- Strategies for survival and daily life in occupation;
- The Holocaust and the Babyn Yar tragedy;
- “Human dimension” of the war: the fate of women and children during World War II;
- Participation of Ukrainians in other military units, etc.
Obviously, the history of the Ukrainian World War II contains many important problems, which we will try to discuss in our next webinars. In particular, on May 5th, we will talk about memory about war and the war memory with prof. Vladyslav Hrynevych (I.F. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), prof. Yaroslav Hrytsak (Ukrainian Catholic University), dr. Anton Drobovych (head of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance), Vasyl Pavlov and prof. Yurii Shapoval. The registration form will be available shortly.
You can watch today's webinar on “Tkuma” Institute YouTube channel by thelink.