On February 11, regional educational seminars for history teachers and methodologists, organized by “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies with the support of Luhansk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education were held in Severodonetsk and Lysychans'k (Luhansk region).
Vladyslav Bazylevskyi, “Tkuma” Institute educational programs coordinator, Iryna Piskarova, head of the education department, Valentyn Rybalka, researcher, Dr. Igor Shchupak held the regional scientific-practical seminar “New standards, programs and history textbooks, and old / new issues of school history education” in Severodonetsk. During the seminar, the features of modern school education and textbooks, various methods of how to interest students to study history were discussed. They talked about memes and cartoons in tutorials and QR-codes with included fragments of documentaries and feature films, about QR-codes with different tasks for students, discussed how academicism (science) and game techniques should be combined (where appropriate); about the ratio of serious and satire.
Lysychans'k scientific-practical seminar was devoted to World War II and the Holocaust history, preserving the memory of these tragedies in Ukraine and in the world. Within the framework of educational events the scientific staff of “Tkuma” Institute presented photos and videos on the problems of World War II and the Holocaust history study; tutorials and methodological
development of teachers, and discussed topical issues of history teaching with teachers. The most active participants of the discussion received gifts – new publications of “Tkuma” Institute on the Holocaust history and international relations during the War.