On January 16, next educational seminar organized by Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education and “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies was held for educators of Dnipropetrovsk region. An interesting and rich program waited for teachers:
- Guided tour at Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” with special attention to the possibilities of comparative analysis in the study and teaching of the XX century tragedies history. – Holodomor, Holocaust, deportation of the Crimean peoples and other genocides. Dr. Olena Ishchenko, researcher held the guided tour for the guests;
- Iryna Piskarova, head of “Tkuma” Institute educational department held a presentation of the best creative works of teachers, students of educational institutions – winners of the final of the International Contest of creative works “Lessons of War and Holocaust – Lessons of Tolerance”, other materials that will help in preparing and holding the school lessons;
- Lecture-discussion on “Academicism and gamerization, paper textbooks and multimedia in the historical education of modern students”, by Dr. Igor Shchupak, “Tkuma” Institute director.
He stressed the relevant issues of the new educational standards for 5-6 and 7-9 grades, emphasized on the modern requirements for education, in particular with the involvement of interactivity, different types of tasks during student’s teaching. Implementation of Western experience – Poland, Finland, – into the educational process was also discussed. Presentation of 6th and 11th grade history textbooks, held by the authors – Dr. Igor Shchupak and Iryna Piskarova was also held within the frameworks of discussion.