On June 05, history teachers and teachers of vocational schools from Poltava region visited “Tkuma” Institute and Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”. Educational seminar, which consisted of a rich curriculum, was organized for them. Educators had an opportunity to get acquainted with educational and scientific work of “Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum, development opportunities for teachers and school children, as well as our educational and methodological publications on the Holocaust history. Dr. Olena Ishenko, researcher of the Holocaust Museum conducted guided tour, focusing on the educational possibilities of the museum.
During the educational seminar, teachers discussed issues related to the reform of the school education system in Ukraine and changes in history curricula. Dr. Igor Shchupak, introduced a new author's textbook «World History» for students of the 11th forms, written in the light of the peculiarities of contemporary youth thinking (so-called «clip thinking») and demonstrated how innovative multimedia technologies can be used during history lessons – in particular, QR-codes, which contain links to newsreels and videos devoted to various historical events, as well as using caricatures, historical jokes, music during teaching some or other topics.
Educators were very interested in the seminar, an active discussion both during the seminar and after its end proved it.