On February 23, 2017 classical gymnasium “Prestige” (Rivne) welcomed meeting school of pedagogical mastery on history dedicated to the topic: “World War II and the Holocaust: Topical Historical Problems”. The educational session was held by Taras Pylypchuk, “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies multiplicator.
The session was opened by methodologist Tetiana Hreshchuk, who outlined goal, objectives and plan of the meetings. Serhii Rachynets, Principal of Rivne classical gymnasium “Prestige”, conducted presentation of educational institution as well as familiarized Rivne history teachers with the activities of teaching staff.
Taras Pylypchuk shared his experience on the topic “World War II and the Holocaust in History Textbooks. Analysis of Trends and Suggestions”. Then Maksym Hon, Doctor of Political Studies, Professor, head of “Mnemonika” Center, presented project “Ukrainian Jewish Family Album”. Teachers also participated in the practical session “Educational Posters in Teaching Holocaust History at Secondary Schools.
“I want to express my sincere gratitude, - noted Taras Pylypchuk, – to Igor Shchupak, “Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum director, Iryna Piskariova, “Tkuma” Institute Educational Programs Coordinator and Victoria Andrievska, UN Communications Officer”.
The meeting ended up with presentation of “Tkuma” Institute recent publications.