On February 24-26, 2017 Dnipro welcomed annual open debate tournament “Dnipro Open 2017”, carried out by NGO “New Vision” in cooperation with “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies.
During three days participants joined 20 workshops including 5 in English, 5 selective rounds, semi-final and three finals. 32 teams from different regions of Ukraine took part in the event. Within the tournament, participants were able to overcome their own doubts, fear of public speaking, to enhance self-esteem, as well as to hear comments and suggestions of adults and get their support.
“Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum staff took active part in organizing and implementing this project. Guided tours through the Holocaust Museum and several workshops were conducted by participants of the tournament. For example Dr. Iegor Vradii told students about the heroism of Righteous Among the Nations, focusing on the personality of Andrey Sheptytsky, Metropolitan of Greek Catholic Church; Dr. Denys Shatalov talked with the participants of the tournament about the characteristics of human behavior during the Holocaust, paying attention to such category of the population as “bystanders”.
Simultaneously with the workshops, round table for teachers “History and Modernity. Moral Choice During the Holocaust. School Debates as a Way to Form Civil Position of Youth” was held. The event was moderated by Dr. Igor Shchupak.
Among the topics for discussion during this year’s debate tournament:
Senior League:
Ukrainian language:
1. Karl Popper format with the policy case: “Our project will be able to solve the social problem of Dnipro city”.
2. World format: “Bystanders can be considered accomplices in the Holocaust”.
English language:
1. World format:
“Andrey Sheptytsky must be recognized as Righteous Among the Nations”.
“Creating hubs promotes investment attractiveness of the city”.
Junior League:
Ukrainian language:
1. Karl Popper format: “Andrey Sheptytsky must be recognized as Righteous Among the Nations”.
2. Karl Popper format: “Children with special needs should be taught in a secondary schools”.
The winners are: team from Berdiansk; team from Dnipro Educational Complex №136; team from Dnipro secondary school №9. Malashenko Valeria (Dnipro, secondary school №9) became the best speaker of tournament and was awarded with IDEA medal