On November 5, TSN aired the TV program “How to turn history into a weapon?” with the participation of Iryna Krasutska, editor-in-chief of the “Orion” Publishing House, history teacher Igor Krasutsky, and Dr. Igor Shchupak.
Together with the presenter Alla Mazur, the participants of the program discussed, in particular, the following questions: why in the temporarily occupied territories, children are introduced to a new school program, forced to go to schools and listen to a stream of lies? Why does putin never get tired of repeating that Ukraine does not exist and that Lenin invented it? How history turns into a weapon and affects the consciousness, especially children?
“I joined the telecast via Skype straight from the train carriage in which my “historical travels” continued – with history textbooks in my bag, of course, – told Dr. Shchupak. – Our textbooks, Ukrainian textbooks and “trophy” russian textbooks, which are the source of the imperial ideology of the “russian world” and stolen history, are used to poison the consciousness of Ukrainian schoolchildren in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine”.
The video recording of the telecast you can watch by the link.