On October 4, SOLEMN OPENING OF THE FINEL OF XVIII INTERNATIONAL CONTEST OF CREATIVE WORKS “LESSONS OF WAR AND HOLOCAUST — LESSONS OF TOLERANCE” (The Contest is organized by the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine, “Tkuma” Institute and Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”) was held in Kyiv.
Participants and the Contest jury came from different parts of Ukraine and the world. It was very warmly meeting after a long online regime; many participants felt a real family atmosphere among “old” and “new” friends. Moreover, some of the presenters take part in the Contest for more than 10 consecutive years, and for somehow it became a real family business.
The jury consists of: Rayisa Yevtushenko, Prof. Tetyana Ladychenko, Dr. Igor Shchupak, Dr. Tamara Bakka, Dr. Fayina Vynokurova, Mtkhailo Gersterin, Dr. Tetyana Meleshenko and Iryna Piskarova, which modified the event.
During the day there were defense of creative work by school, university students and postgraduates. Most defenses were held in a “live” format, but it's not yet possible to give up Zoom-realities, and several defenses were online.
This year, the Contest participants impressed with the variation and creativity of their works. Dijital Projects (“YouTube Project “ProZT History” Oleksandra Mahaletska, Anna Frank Electronic site diary, by Yana Yarmolenko), sculptural compositions (“The Holocaust in my eyes” by Illya Gerasymenko), literary reviews (“War in the memoirs of the Odessa boy (by М. Broskyi book “Sabanyeyiv Mist”), artistic works (triptych “Requiem for a Dream” by Nadiiya Veklenko) etc. were presented. The jury was thoroughly familiar with each work and asked the precious, and sometimes, even controversial, questions to presenters.
In the evening the opening of the INTERNATIONAL PEDAGOGICAL CONFERENCE “LESSONS OF HOLOCAUST”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Babyn Yar tragedy was held. Teachers-participants of the Contest presented their own developments, plans-abstracts of history lessons and scientific achievements. Improvable teachers have been actively sharing their own experience and educators and modernization of modern Ukrainian education, as well as created web quests (Anna Kholodnyak and Liliya Vilyaniuk). Teachers created a lapooks (Anna Syzova) and video presentation (Liudmyla Bilous).
Each presenter embodies an indelible thirst for pedagogical skills, since only a real teacher is capable of constant self-improvement, a true desire to teach and give love to his disciples.
Not less saturated and rich in events program is waiting for participants.