On November 24-25, 2015 Sumy hosted All-Ukrainian Pedagogical seminar for History teachers and methodologists from different regions of Ukraine. The title of the seminar was "Modern Multimedia Technologies in Teaching Wold War II and the Holocaust History". The seminar was held due to financial support of Claims Conference, Joint, and the Dutch Fund, and under support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
The event was moderated by Yuri Nikitin, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Acting Rector of Sumy Regional Institute of Advanced Teacher Training, Iryna Piskariova, "Tkuma" Institute Educational Programs Coordinator, Oleh Rudyi, Khmelnytsky school History teacher. During the seminar teachers and methodologists presented their ways of using multimedia technologies during the educational process. Valentyn Rybalka, Museum "Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine" Research Associate, described the use of modern multimedia developments on the example of the Holocaust Museum exhibitions.
"Tkuma" Institute and the Holocaust Museum Research Associates Vladyslav Bazylevsky, Valentyn Rybalka and Iryna Radchenko conducted presentation of Mobile Exhibition banners "The Holocaust in Ukraine" and "Righteous among the Nations" for pupils of 8-11 forms of Sumy schools. Pupils were greatly interested in "Tkuma" Institute and the Holocaust Museum activities in Dnipropetrovsk. Pupils also participated in the special session of "The School of Young Researcher" and learned how to conduct the research for the Contest "Lessons of War and the Holocaust - Lessons of Holocaust".