Scientific Publications
Places of Mass Extermination of Crimean Jews during the Nazi Occupation of the Peninsula, 1941–1944: Reference book
- Category: Scientific Publications
- Author: Тяглий Михайло
- Editor: CJC "Chesed Shymon"
- Pages: 120
- ISBN: 966-572-862-8
- Library: Tkuma Publications
- Location: Simferopol
- Year: 2005
- Note: Tyahlyi M. Places of Mass Extermination of Crimean Jews during the Nazi Occupation of the Peninsula, 1941–1944: Reference book. – Simferopol: SJC “Hesed Shimon”, 2005. – 120 p.; illustrations.
Hits: 1353
The reference book contains information on the circumstances of the “final solution of the Jewish question” by the Nazi occupiers in various cities and villages of the Crimea in 1941-1944. The articles, arranged by geographic principle, provides data on the stages of the Nazi genocide against the Jews, locations, dates, methods of extermination of the Jewish population, punitive bodies responsible for the crimes, the number of victims.
The publication is developed for historians, sociologists, teachers of secondary and higher education institutions, local historians and anyone interested in the problems of the Crimean history, the Holocaust and World War II.