Scientific Publications
Holocaust Historiography: A Jewish Perspective. Conceptualizations, Terminology, Approaches and Fundamental Issue
- Category: Scientific Publications
- Author: Міхман Дан
- Editor: "Tkuma"
- Pages: 448
- ISBN: 966-96514-0-9
- Library: Tkuma Publications
- Location: Dnipropetrovsk
- Year: 2005
- Note: Dan Michman. Holocaust Historiography: A Jewish Perspective. Conceptualizations, Terminology, Approaches and Fundamental Issue / Dan Michman; Translation from English. – Academic series “Ukrainian Library of the Holocaust” — Issue 1 — Dnipropetrovsk: “Tku
Hits: 1328
The book presents the point of view of the Israeli researcher who deals with Jewish history. The book is illustrated by the Jewish aspects of the Catastrophe: the Jewish community, its function and values.
This scientific publication is recommended for scientists and researchers, and teachers, students and all those interested in the history of the Holocaust.