Other Publications
Piotr Głuchowski, Marcin Kowalski. “Apte. Niedokończona powieść” (“Apte. Unfinished Story”)
- Category: Other Publications
- Editor: "Tkuma"
- Pages: 140
- Library: Tkuma Publications
- Location: Dnipro
- Year: 2017
- Note: Głuchowski P, Kowalski M. Apte. Unfinished Story / Piotr Głuchowski, Marcin Kowalski; [Translation from Polish – Ie. Vradii]. – Dnipro: "Tkuma" Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies; Lira, 2017. – 140p., with ill.
Hits: 2016
In 2009 a notebook with fancy paintings was found at the attic of one of the houses in Wieliczka, small town near Krakow. The name on the notebook indicated the author of these paintings - Jewish boy Ryszar Apte (1925 - 1942). During the Nazi occupation together with his mother anf father, he was hiding in the local ghetto.
The book by Polish writers Piotr Głuchowski and Marcin Kowalski is an attempt to artistocalle reconstruct the last four years of the life of this talanted young man from Krakow, who suffered the tragic challenges of the Second World War, the Nazi occupation anf the Holocaust.