Holocaust in Ukraine and Lessons of Tolerance. Why Do We Learn About the Holocaust
- Category: Multimedia
- Author: Щупак Ігор
- Editor: «Rozumniki»
- Library: Tkuma Publications
- Location: Dnipropetrovsk
- Year: 2007
- Note: Shchupak І. Holocaust in Ukraine and Lessons of Tolerance. Why Do We Learn About the Holocaust: Multimedia manual. – К.: Rozumnyky, 2007.
Hits: 1790
E-manual deals with the uniqueness and universality of the Holocaust, the problem of genocide in modern history, Holodomor in1932-1933., the Armenian genocide in the early XX century, extermination of the Roma during the Second World War and other tragedies.
The manual can be useful to teachers, senior pupils and students during the study of Holocaust, world history and the history of Ukraine, special courses on tolerance and ethics, etc.