Educational Publications
Lessons of the Holocaust in the teacher’s creative works-2020
- Category: Educational Publications
- Editor: "Tkuma"
- Pages: 136
- Library: Tkuma Publications
- Location: Dnipro
- Year: 2020
- File: 2020_sbornik_uhitelskikh_rabot_for_inet.pdf
- Note: Lessons of the Holocaust in the teacher’s creative works – participants of “Tkuma” Institute educational programs. Dnipro: “Tkuma” Institute, 2020. – 136 p.
Hits: 1442
Creative works of the finalists and winners of the International Contest “Lessons of War and Holocaust – Lessons of Tolerance”, participants of the educational programs of “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies is presented in the collection.
The works of experienced teachers are original methodological developments that have been tested during World War II and the Holocaust history teaching is published. Also search works, development of extracurricular activities on the history of World War II and the Holocaust, problems of interethnic relations, tolerance, memory of the tragic events of the past are presented.