On June 08, ninth All-Ukrainian methodological seminar for educators “New Ukrainian school: learning / knowledge about the Holodomor and other genocides” was held. The seminar was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine together with the Ukrainian Holodomor Research and Education Center (HREC in Ukraine).
Dr. Igor Shchupak, director of “Tkuma” Institute was invited to participate in an online seminar. About 100 participants of the meeting discussed issues of de-Russification, de-Sovietization, decolonization of Ukrainian scientific and educational space. The moderators of the seminar were Raisa Yevtushenko, Chief Specialist of the Directorate of Preschool, School and Extracurricular Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Honored Educator of Ukraine, and Liudmyla Hrynevych, leading researcher of the Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, director of the Ukrainian Holodomor Research and Education Center (HREC in Ukraine), doctor of historical sciences.
Agnieszka-Gabriela Matusiak, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Laboratory of Interdisciplinary and Posttotalitarian Studies of the Institute of Slavic Philology at the University of Wroclaw, a member of the International Association, presented her vision of modern challenges to Ukrainian historical education and Ukrainian society in general.
New approaches to the characterization of the Ukrainian revolution, the national liberation struggle and Ukrainian statehood were proposed by Pavlo Hai-Nyzhnyk, acting Director of the Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences. Iryna Zakharchuk, Professor of Rivne University for the Humanities, Coordinator of the Ukrainian Holodomor Research and Education Center (HREC in Ukraine), Doctor of Philology, among other things, presented ideas on the correctness of using the term “soviet” (not “radyansky”) historical era. In particular, the members of our Working Group tried to implement these ideas in the changes to the existing history programs.
Liudmyla Hrynevych offered a broad historiographical overview of the imperial nature of the Soviet Union and the importance of this concept for understanding the history of the twentieth century. Vladislav Hrynevych, a leading researcher at the Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies. I. Kuras, Doctor of Political Sciences, Doctor of Political Science, made an in-depth analysis of models of historical memory of the Second World War, noted the importance of the post-Soviet / Russian model of the “Great Patriotic War” for modern racist ideology.
In his report, Dr. Igor Shchupak spoke about the methodological significance of definitions and their reflection in the modern school history course (among these concepts – varieties of totalitarianism; genocide; “denazification”; empire, etc.), as well as an understanding of certain historical phenomena, including “racism and revision of the foundations of the modern world order”. He focused on the Holocaust as a “classic” example of genocide and on the genocidal phenomena of our time. “The audience was interested in my theses on the characteristics of the current Russian-Ukrainian war as a manifestation of the Third World War, which began, – noted the historian. – Obviously, this interest is caused by the need to try to comprehend important social phenomena directly during their genesis.”.
The seminar lasted several hours and, of course, could not be completed; the interested professional dialogue of historians will be continued.