In the context of Russia's large-scale war against Ukraine, “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies is trying to continue its activities online and work in different directions.
An online symposium for educators and teachers of the Holocaust history was launched on March 9 to reflect the tragedy through the prism of Nazi crime scenes. The program was initiated by Wolfgang Schmutz and Paul Salmons and organized by the Claims Conference.
The Symposium was attended by several dozen educators, scientists from leading scientific institutions in the United States, Israel, France, Poland, Hungary and other countries. Ukraine was represented by Dr. Iryna Radchenko, Head of the Research Department of “Tkuma” Institute, Museum “Jewish memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”. The first introductory session was aimed at acquainting the participants with the general structure of the Symposium and expectations for further work. Part of the event was reflections on participation as such and its impact on future sessions, which will take place every Wednesday for almost 4 months. In the course of the work (mostly practical) the participants will explore the main aspects and principles of active involvement of the audience in places that require a special educational approach, with further implementation of what is acquired in practice (in the course of their professional activities). We look forward to fruitful and effective cooperation.
Peace to all of us and take care of yourself! Ukraine will win.