On May 13, an online conference “Zaporizhzhia Jewish Readings-2021” was held at the Faculty of History of Zaporizhzhia National University. The event, organized by “Tkuma” Institute, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” and Zaporizhzhia National University gathered scientists, students and graduate students.
The conference was opened by Dr. of Historical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of History of Zaporizhzhia National University Prof. Volodymyr Milechev. Iryna Piskareva, Head of Educational Programs of “Tkuma” Institute, and Dr. Igor Shchupak addressed the participants of the event with welcoming words.
During the plenary session, reports on various aspects of the history of Jewish people, World War II and the Holocaust were made by Prof. Volodymyr Milechev (“Jews-crosses in the Haydamat troops of the middle of the 18th century"), Candidate of Historical Sciences, lecturer at the Department of International Relations and World History of ZNU, prof. Oleksandr Davlietov (“NSDAP Anti-Semitic Appeals, Slogans, Speeches from the Weimar Republic to the Third Reich as a Tool in Constructing an Internal Enemy”), Dr. Igor Shchupak (“Jewish Rescuers during the Holocaust: History and Politics of Memory”).
Then the conference continued in the format of sections – “History and Historical Memory” and “Philology”. In the philological section, in particular, the issues of depicting of Jewish history and culture in works of art were considered.
The conference broadcast is available on the Youtube channel of “Tkuma” Institute.