On November 24, 2014 the regular meeting of the working group preparing informational and educational material about the events in Ukraine in 2013-2014 in particular about the Revolution of Dignity and Russian-Ukrainian War was conducted in Kyiv in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The group includes Pavlo Polyanskiy, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine; Volodymyr Holovko, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Institute of Ukrainian History run by National Academy of Science of Ukraine; Rayisa Yevtushenko, Chief Specialist of Department of General, Secondary and Preschool Education of Ministry of Education of Science of Ukraine; Igor Shchupak, Candidate of Historical Science, "Tkuma" Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies and Museum "Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine" director, and others.
Currently the experts develop the material in two formats: for pupils – additional paragraph to the textbook that will contain visual material as well; for teachers – extended methodological material. Both formats will cover events of Revolution of Dignity, Russian-Ukrainian War, political processes (Presidential and Parliamentary elections), etc. Materials will be available in electronic and printed formats. Printed materials will be distributed to secondary schools. Materials will be integrated to the training program on the history of Ukraine for 11 grades.
Unlike the extended methodological materials the textbook paragraph is to be more concise. Informative infographics and illustrations will take the half of the content.
Preparing educational material for Ukrainian textbooks Dr Igor Shchupak, in particular, highlights the problems of interfaith, inter-ethnic relations, "the Jewish question" in Euromaidan and subsequent events in Ukraine.
Two groups of experts and historians work on the creation of methodological material for teachers and paragraph for pupils. Material will be prepared by early 2015.