On October 26 – November 3, 2014 seminar for History teachers, methodologists and educational programs coordinators from Belarus and Ukraine was conducted in Yad Vashem.
Teachers and educators from Ukrainian group actively cooperate with "Tkuma" Institute. They are permanent participants of educational and scholarly programs and involve their colleagues, pupils and students into the Holocaust research.
Teachers and educators representing Ukrainian group actively cooperate with “Tkuma” Institute. They are regular participants of educational and research programs who involve their students and colleagues into the Holocaust studies. These teachers know about the theory and practice of the methodology of teaching the World War II and the Holocaust history from the firsthand.
We must pay tribute to the seminar program as it completely met the level of teachers’ knowledge. Participants had the opportunity to communicate not only with the staff of Yad Vashem School and Memorial, but also with well-known Israeli scholars. Among them – Dr. Aron Sneer, Dr. Iliya Lurie, Dr. Mordechai Yushkovsky, others.
During the eight-day seminar the participants deepened into the theory of methods of teaching World War II and the Holocaust history, learned about Yad Vashem best practices and shared their teaching and research work experience and teaching practices. The extensive program included lectures and presentations, “round tables” and discussions.
Participants had much time for discussions and presentations. An inexhaustible education potential of the Holocaust theme was demonstrated by the teachers in their presentations: some of them with their pupils are doing real research; someone organizes small journalistic exploration of the history of Jews in native town.
Traditionally, the organizers have planned a rich program of excursions. In addition to the very detailed tour around the Yad Vashem memorial complex, the participants visited the Israel Museum, touched the Western Wall, the fortress of Masada, dived into the waters of the Dead Sea, and visited the Jordan Valley, the Sea of Galilee and the Golan Heights. And all this with one of the best guides of the country – Rosa Zlatopolsky.
The seminar became an excellent platform to determine the prospects of joint work of “Tkuma” Institute and teachers and methodologists from all over Ukraine. The event inspired the teachers to new educational projects.