On April 26, the webinar “Civic education in the 10th grade” was held, organized by “Tkuma” Institute and “Orion” Publishing House.
Speakers of the webinar were:
- Tamara Bacca, Associate Professor of Department of teaching methods of social disciplines and gender education of M.P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, director of the All-Ukrainian Union of Teachers of History and Civic Education;
- Oleksandr Zheliba, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of World History and International Relations of the M. Gogol Nizhyn State University, Methodist teacher.
The work of the online educational event was moderated by Dr. Igor Shchupak. Among the issues that were brought up for discussion were:
• It is not too late to teach the course “Civic education” in the 10th grade?
• The new Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine took the initiative to reduce the number of subjects; in this context, what will be the fate of the “Civic Education” course?
• A number of questions from the history course are not duplicated in this course?
• How to form and develop civic competences in practice?
• How are the changes in the Program reflected in the new textbook, and what are its features and “highlights”?
The recording of the webinar broadcast you can watch by the link.