On August 15-17, an online seminar for Ukrainian educators “Pearls of Yiddish Culture” was held, organized by the International Center for Yiddish Language and Culture at the World Jewish Congress and “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies. The participants of the educational program were history teachers and methodologists, teachers of universities from different regions of Ukraine.
During the seminar, Ukrainian teachers had the opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of Eastern European Jewry, literature in the Yiddish language, and to gain a deeper understanding of the Jewish world that was practically destroyed during the Holocaust. The participants listened to lectures by leading specialists in Jewish history and Yiddish culture. Among such lectures, in particular: “Traditional Jewish Education Step by Step” (Dr. Lara Lempert), “Women in the Novels of Yitzchok Bashevis-Singer: From Obsession to Emancipation” (Dr. Valentina Fedchenko), “Ukraine, 20th Century: Jews in history and history with Jews” (Dr. Igor Shchupak), “Why is Yiddish necessary in the 21st century?” (Dr. Mordechai Yushkovskyi).
The next stage of the seminar should take place in Vilnius in 2023. We sincerely thank our friends and partners for the organization and support!