On August 03-05, online seminar for Ukrainian educators “Pearls of Yiddish Culture”, organized by the International Yiddish Center of World Jewish Congress in partnership with “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies was held. History teachers and lecturers, researchers and museum staff from all over Ukraine became participants of the educational program.
During the seminar, Ukrainian educators had the opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of Eastern European Jewry, the lost world of Yiddish culture and a deeper understanding of the Jewish component of Ukrainian culture. Participants listened to lectures by leading experts on the history of the Yiddish language and literature (including the Holocaust), Ukrainian-Jewish relations. Among such lectures, in particular were: “Why do we need Yiddish in the XXI century.” (Dr. Mordehay Yushkovsky), “Ukrainian-Jewish relations through the prism of poetry” (Tatiana Batanova), “Jewish culture on the map of Ukraine” (Dr. Mordehay Yushkovsky), “Sholom Aleichem – person, who is “coming from the fair” (Dr. Leonid Roitman), “Between Hammer and sickle” – Yiddish literary works in the Soviet period” (Dr. Mordehay Yushkovsky), “Chapters from the Jewish theater history” (Dr. Leonid Roitman).
The next stage of the seminar will take place in Vilnius next year, 2022. We truly thank our friends and partners for the organization of the event!