On May 14, 2019 seminar for history teachers of the region and the city was held in Sumy at the invitation of friends and colleagues, prof. Yurii Nikitin, rector, of Sumy Institute of postgraduate pedagogical education and Iryna Nikitina, history teachers, methodologists at Sumy Institute of postgraduate pedagogical education. Educators had an opportunity to communicate with Dr. Igor Shchupak and to consider a number of questions about new standards of education, curricula, history textbooks and new/old problems of historical education; particular attention was paid to World War II and the Holocaust history teaching peculiarities. Presentation of new textbooks for the 6th grades (authors I. Shchupak, I. Piskarova, O. Burlaka) and for the 11th grades (I. Shchupak) was held within the frameworks of the seminar.
Iryna Piskarova, head “Tkuma” Institute educational department and Vladyslav Bazilevsky, researcher at the same time held the lessons within the project «Marathons of memory» in general schools № 21 and 27. Topics of family memory and connections between past and present were discussed during the lesson; the students shared memories of their relatives about participating in World War II. At the end of the meeting representatives of “Tkuma” Institute made a presentation of Museum «Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine» (Dnipro) where everybody was invitedі.