On November 8, regular educational seminar was conducted by “Tkuma” Institute, the Holocaust Museum and Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education. The history teachers of the Dnipropetrovsk region visited the Holocaust Museum and joined guided tour conducted by research associated Dr. Olena Ishchenko and Valentyn Rybalka, talked with Iryna Piskariova, coordinator of “Tkuma” Institute Educational Programs, about the possibilities for the teachers to participate in our educational projects and the prospects for further cooperation. Together with Dr. Igor Shchupak, Iryna Piskariova presented a new textbook “Introduction to History” for students of the 5th grade, written in cooperation with talented teacher, winner of the contest “Teacher of the Year" by Olena Burlaka. Interactive textbook “World History” for the 10th grade students, written by Dr. Igor Shchupak, was very interesting for teachers. Among the innovations of the textbook – the introduction of qr-codes, multimedia technology, through which each student and teacher, having a smartphone, will be able to download movie and video clips from a special educational platform developed by “Tkuma” Institute.
Another option of the program was meeting and communication with the legendary person – Joseph Zisels, human rights defender, dissident, co-president of VAAD of Ukraine, executive vice president of the Congress of National Communities of Ukraine. Educators had the opportunity to listen to an extremely informative lecture devoted to the problems of Jewish identity.
And in the evening, J. Zisels visited the Holocaust Museum. Being the initiator and one of the founders of the Chernivtsi Museum of History and Culture of Bukovinian Jews, he became interested in our exhibition. The guided tour was conducted by Dr. Iegor Vradii, head of the Research Department of the Holocaust Museum.