On June 2, 2016 Dilfuza Hlushchenko and Dr. Denys Shatalov, “Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum Research Associates, participates in the seminar organized by Mykolayiv Regional Institute of Advanced Teacher Training under the support of “Tkuma” Institute.
The event was carried out in Bohdanivka on the base of local secondary school. Pupils, school staff and School Master Oleksiy Pospyelov arranged very warm and hospitable welcome for event participants.
The seminar started with commemoration ceremony devoted to the Holocaust victims killed in Bohdanivka. During the Second World War representatives of occupying power shot, burned alive and tortured by hunger more than 54 thousand Jews of the village.
Reports by D. Shatalov and D. Hlushchenko became the logical and thematic continuation of the seminar. Denys Shatalov spoke on comparison of the image of the Holocaust in Western European and the national historiography and public consciousness. He noted that the differences should be considered when preparing the courses of world and national history. Dilfuza Hlushchenko introduced “Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum educational programs. Special attention was paid to the experience of creating and exhibiting the mobile exhibitions, which naturally caused great interest among representatives of rural schools. After reviewing the posters created on the base of mobile exhibitions, teachers found them very good visual learning tool.