On April 14, the webinar “Formation of a culture of memory and organization of interethnic dialogue: educational youth programs in Poland” was organized by “Tkuma” Institute, the Christian community “Drzewo Oliwne” (Poland), the “Orion” Publishing House.
The speakers of the event were:
-Yehor Vradii, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Deputy Director for Research at “Tkuma” Institute;
- Iryna Piskariova, Head of Educational Programs at “Tkuma” Institute;
- Timoteusz Rabinek, Deputy Coordinator of the “Drzewo Oliwne”, Master of Theology (Warsaw);
- Rita Rabinek, youth project manager, translator of the “Dzhevo Olivne”, Master of Cultural Studies (Warsaw);
- Igor Shchupak, Honored Educator of Ukraine, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of “Tkuma” Institute, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” (Dnipro).
During the webinar, many educational programs for young people, which have been implemented by “Tkuma” Institute and the Christian community “Dzhevo Olivne” were discussed. Joint projects include the departure of Ukrainian youth to Poland, where they will have interactive classes, lectures on history and culture, workshops, tours of the most prominent historical sites and much more.
The broadcast is available on “Tkuma” Institute YouTube channel.