July 29 – August 19, 2016 in Zaporizhzhya region youth summer camp was organized and conducted by Zaporizhzhya Jewish Community Center “Mazal Tov”.
Traditionally “Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum participated in organization of educational part of the summer camp activities. On August 15-16,Tetiana Selyutina and Maryna Strilchuk, “Tkuma” Institute research associates, conducted interactive sessions for children of different age group.
In general, within two days six training sessions were conducted:
- During the first day three interactive sessions were held for children in the age of 11-16;
- During the second day three interactive sessions were held for children in the age of 9−14.
The main attention during the sessions was drawn to the history of the Holocaust in Ukraine and deed of Righteous Among the Nations. “Tkuma” Institute staff also used mobile exhibition banners as visualization of the topic and demonstrated some other visual materials that allowed children to better understand the complex subject of the Holocaust.